I'm kind of Paiged-out...in that, she's not the team - and yet receives (??) 70% of the media coverage. That said - this was an excellent write-up. Thanks Dan

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I really hate to say this——but I believe Paige is favoring her knee. We have all read about psychology versus physiology——-but I always bet on the latter. She is clearly unhappy (concerned is what I really think). Maybe I am paranoid. She might just want to play more. If that is the case, she should play more. She seems a touch less quick, and she seems to not want to cut on that knee. It could be illusion. But is CW’s remarkable quickness an illusion? Duharz has been unreal. This sounds crazy given the last 10 games, but I still think they do not know their identity. On the other hand, no matter what group is in it seems “seamless”. They won by 20 with Fudd missing everything. That’s good news.

Maybe my whole framing is backwards. The ability to sub 3 at a time and not lose any momentum is remarkable. It will be hard to plan for them.

But back to my true concern. I am concerned about Paige’s knee. If I am wrong she needs to play more.

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